Well, it’s been quite a while since we have not been in decent communication. Almost 4 years since the Covid Plague has held us up and down, open and closed, wear masks, wash our hands, check out temperature, visit the museum, close it temporarily and maybe keep it open! Now we are finally clear of the Covid Plague and now we are OPEN!!!
To make you understand, we still worked as much as possible – most often from home and sometimes in the museum all alone and when we were allowed to open to the public.
We got many things done for you to see during off-time. We have accepted many donations that included display cases and many more clocks and watches. Those things are coming into the museum on usually a weekly basis. We do the research for everything and have it displayed for everyone to enjoy. We have gotten more Tick Talk magazines, Grandfather Clocks, salesmen’s cases, more photos and much more.
Since we gave you gift in our last posting – a 100-year-old Tick Talk magazine – I think it is time to give you another one from 100 years ago in time to celebrate Fourth of July - July 20, 2023. You can find it on the section of this web page by Clicking Here. You will be able to find many of the houses that Westclox built in the old ravine we bought and turned it into Central Park. We can tell you more about this in the museum and show you many photos. We also have several architectural drawings of many houses that are available for sale. You will find other surprise history, photos, and gossip in this little book. Enjoy!

“You Never Know What You Might Find In the Westclox Museum!”